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Under discussion in a sentence

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Sentence count:58+3Posted:2017-10-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: discussiongroup discussiondiscusspercussionconcussionrepercussionpercussionistdiscus
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31. Where necessary a transcript of the relevant part of the proceedings under discussion should be available.
32. Naylor Massingham, she saw, had his eyes not on the file under discussion, but on her.
33. The technique of Self-Remembering has, therefore, a most important part to play in the esoteric system under discussion.
34. Sample disks for CALL are under discussion but will not be possible until the products are ready.
35. These were very disturbed patients who perhaps do not fit into the group under discussion here.
36. Already more than 100 management agreements are under discussion and the number is expected to increase dramatically now that the guidelines are in force.
37. Some of the changes under discussion had already been implemented elsewhere.
38. Draft directives on civil liability for damage caused by waste are under discussion.
38. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
39. Glynn said an apology already had been under discussion within the administration for several months.
40. Whatever the topic under discussion, they automatically began with some resentful expression of moral outrage.
41. So far the company has installations at 12 hospitals, with many more contracts under discussion.
42. The repeal of sections of the Bill of Rights has been under discussion since October 1995.
43. A typical user of the interactive system under discussion.
44. For the first time, both a property tax and a capital gains tax are under discussion.
45. Imperforate anus is perhaps not the most description of the anorectal malformations under discussion.
46. A parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter under discussion.
47. We have many new series production programmes ready to come on-stream and several new foundry installations are under discussion.
48. We've gone too far off the point. Let's return to the topic under discussion.
49. This is an example illustrative of the issue under discussion.
50. All of this was under discussion a year ago, after Bangkok's last conflagration.
51. On the one hand the problem under discussion; on the other hand, the building under construction.
52. Objective: Under discussion lumbar vertebra bone fracture method of treatment.
53. Instead, plans for such a payment are under discussion by the State think tank, the National Economic and Social Council.
54. The key problems under discussion were to find effective sequencing constraints, which included feature relationship graph, feature height, and operation precedence matrix.
55. Another option under discussion is to stimulate licit agriculture, perhaps by guaranteeing prices for non - poppy crops.
56. The professor has given the students a list of articles pertinent to the topic under discussion.
57. "Debt restructuring is not under discussion," Papandreou said in an interview in Sunday newspaper Ethnos.
58. In this paper material supplies "Integration" management model innovation Study of oil drilling companies are under discussion.
More similar words: discussiongroup discussiondiscusspercussionconcussionrepercussionpercussionistdiscusunderdogunderdoneinterdisciplinaryblunderbussunderdressedunderdevelopedunderdevelopmentunder considerationhibiscusmeniscusunderdeveloped countriesdispassionatedispossessionfocussingpercussivedispassionatelyconcussiveundermentionedundervaluationunder suspicionundernutritionFederal Communication Commission
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